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Category: Culture (page 22 of 27)

Local Maritime Reading

From Three Sheets NW, an interesting boating blog I just came across.

Sailor pins literary hopes on sexy women of maritime

A few years back, Kim Carver was working on commercial ships and looking for a way to finance the publication of her fledgling maritime magazine.

Though she worked in the traditionally male-dominated maritime industry, the Northwest native realized she was routinely crewing alongside women who were not just strong and accomplished, but downright sexy.

Taking a cue from the countless steamy calendars of firefighters, cheerleaders and other objects of desire, Carver rounded up some of her female friends working in the maritime industry around Seattle and photographed them in various stages of undress, on ships and in other locations.

And soon, the Sexy Women of Maritime Calendar was born.

That beautiful watch? It’s best left ashore

The next day, when I was able to keep it down, I ate breakfast with extra toast and coffee. Joe sat across from me, slowly sipping from his cup, his grey eyes boring holes into me, “Mate,” he said, “expensive jewelry is best kept in a drawer or on a cup hook. It doesn’t belong on a working vessel.” I slowly nodded my head – a lesson finally learned.

Today when I come aboard I remove the one good watch I own (a gift from my beautiful wife) and reach into the mahogany box. In there are three or four old, slightly beat-up Timex watches; none of them cost me more than $16.00. As long as the battery is good they keep excellent time (actually much better than I remember the Rolex ever did) and if lost due to my fumbling, there’s another close at hand.

Sand Sailors

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Taxidermy Artwork

After decades of neglect, there has been a resurgence of interest in taxidermy. Once seen as being inappropriate and politically incorrect, they’re now seen as avant-garde in the art and interior design worlds.

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The Boxing Day Fox Hunts

Over the weekend, it was reported that up to 300,000 people in England came out to support the Boxing Day fox hunts which is now seen as an important tradition. Controversies aside, the sport is largely about the community, the thrill of riding horses around in the field all day, and having a few drinks along the way. Not a bad way to spend a cold winter day really.

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Mr. Roboto


A Christmas Carol Illustrations

Written in 1843 in order for Charles Dickens to help pay the bills, A Christmas Carol quickly became a holiday favorite. From wikipedia:

The tale has been viewed as an indictment of nineteenth century industrial capitalism and has been credited with returning the holiday to one of merriment and festivity in Britain and America after a period of sobriety and sombreness. A Christmas Carol remains popular, has never been out of print, and has been adapted to film, opera, and other media.

Here are some illustrations that have been included with various versions over the years, including those done by John Leech for the 1st edition .

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Jean-Paul Belmondo

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On the Preparation of Tea

A Nice Cup of Tea, an essay written in 1946 by George Orwell.

If you look up ‘tea’ in the first cookery book that comes to hand you will probably find that it is unmentioned; or at most you will find a few lines of sketchy instructions which give no ruling on several of the most important points.

This is curious, not only because tea is one of the main stays of civilization in this country, as well as in Eire, Australia and New Zealand, but because the best manner of making it is the subject of violent disputes.

When I look through my own recipe for the perfect cup of tea, I find no fewer than eleven outstanding points. On perhaps two of them there would be pretty general agreement, but at least four others are acutely controversial. Here are my own eleven rules, every one of which I regard as golden.

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American Icon: Tiffany & Co.

Tiffany and Co Blue Box

Ballard Farmer’s Market – Week of Christmas

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