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Tag: Horween

Chromexcel Leather

Nick Horween put up a fascinating post today about the production of chromexcel leather, which is used on some of my more favorite pairs of Alden’s (I’m wearing a pair of Indy boots made from it right now in fact).

Chromexcel, or CXL as it’s written in the building, is a combination tanned leather that undergoes at least 89 separate processes taking 28 working days and utilizing all 5 floors of our facility. Needless to say, it’s complicated. For any tannery, the chemistry that transforms salted or cured hides into leather often requires a degree of “cooking.” By cooking I mean there are slight variations that must be managed and corrected from lot to lot.

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Mr. Leather

In the new issue of Free & Easy (all about tweed, post coming soon) there is a short section called “Merry Xmas, Mr. Leather” which has an overview of the leather trade as well as bios on some very talented artisans. I hope they revisit this topic in the future with an issue devoted to small leather goods.

mr_leather_1 Read more

Makr Cordovan Wallets

Horween Leather is selling a small assortment of them directly.

Mark Horween Cordovan Wallets

Beams Japan’s Alden Factory Visit

While on mention of Horween leathers, what do I spy in this image? Many and many pairs of shoes in cigar and whiskey shell cordovan sitting in Alden’s factory. It’s part of a scan of a special edition magazine called “All About USA” put out between Popeye (a Japanese clothing magazine) and Beams (a Japanese clothing retailer).

Alden Factory Visit - Beams - Page 2

I wonder what lucky store all of those are going to.

This next scan shows an interesting part before the soles are attached.  If you notice closely, there is in fact a large piece of metal laid on top of the cork bed which is usually referred to as a steel shank.  To loosely quote one of their salesmen, the steel shank is part of what makes an Alden shoe so special (and heavy :) ) as it helps provide support for your feet.

Alden Factory Visit - Beams - Page 1

Horween Leather Co. Visits Wilson

FYI, Horween Leather Co. recently launched its own blog: http://horween.wordpress.com/

One their first posts was about a visit to Wilson’s factory where footballs are still manufactured and it’s worth going over to check out the other pictures. I hope the Horween guys keep up with the blogging and can showcase more manufacturers and artisans using their leathers, which I would guess are in more products than what people are aware of. Also be sure to follow them on twitter: http://twitter.com/HorweenLeather

Horween Leather Co. Visits Wilson's Factory

Horween Leather

Video about Horween shell cordovan leather: http://vimeo.com/4814754

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