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Tag: Luciano Barbera

Made in Italy

There is an article in today’s NYTimes about Italy’s artisan economy and the new Reguzzoni-Versace Law that will take affect soon, which will require companies go through a minimum number of manufacturing steps in order to use the “Made in Italy” label. Luciano Barbera is one of the supporters:

When describing the ills of his businesses, Mr. Barbera tends to focus on one issue: the “Made in Italy” label. For the last decade, he says, a growing number of clothing designers have been buying cheaper fabric in China, Bulgaria and elsewhere and slapping “Made in Italy” on garments, even if those garments are merely sewn here.

Creating rules for use of the “Made in Italy” label will probably not help the economy or the image of Italian made goods, but it certainly will not hurt – many nowadays have goods manufactured overseas, and then import them into Italy to have a final step done in order to use the tag.

Instead of pushing for new laws though, I think Barbera’s company should focus on educating customers on why their fabrics are better than their competitors. Many that I’ve handled are very nice, but until this article I did not know anything about their manufacturing process.

Continue reading more. Photo by Dave Yoder for The New York Times.

Thoughts from Luciano Barbera

Luciano Barbera has a humorous new blog. Though I don’t know if the man himself is writing it, it’s very well done and is full of great gems:

I would like to add that I would never refer to myself as “stylish.” But my children wanted me to write it so I did. What I would have said is I simply had on the right clothes for the right occasions and didn’t leave them in a crumpled ball at the foot of my bed. If that is style, alright I own to it.

Will from A Suitable Wardrobe has a guest post as well. Hopefully they continue marketing like this.

And on the company’s new website, he also shares some wisdom:

The suit – You do not need me to tell you that the suit is the key element in any gentleman’s wardrobe. So I will tell you a story instead. I had my first suit made for me when I was 24, by the legendary Milanese tailor, Mario Pozzi. It took Mr. Pozzi 6 months to go through the process of fitting me and taking all my measurements. Then he cut the fabric, a beautiful saxony cloth, and personally delivered it to my door. When I tried it on, he and I were both very pleased. Why wouldn’t I be? He was a genius. I was also eager to get back into my street clothes but he gave me this advice. “Put the suit on and keep it on. Wear it for two days straight. Eat in it. Sleep in it. Then it will not just be an exquisite suit. Sarà un tuo vestito – it will be your suit”.

The shirt – I know I have said you can have too many clothes. But I take that back where shirts are concerned. The shirt is a triumph of modern life, like the automobile or the web.
It is easy to put on and take off, quick to wash and easy to store. Plus, shirts look great. A man should own as many shirts as he wishes – the more the better.
I personally have so many shirts that I sometimes walk into my closet, pull one out, and think to myself, “Now where did that come from?” Having lots of shirts will allow you to surprise yourself with your own good taste.

Seasonal – Everyone knows you wear wool in the winter, linen in the summer, and a straw hat from June 15th to Labor Day. Everyone is right. And therein lies the problem. Follow these rules and you will look like everyone else. Better that you display a little originality. On the gravest days of winter I put on my gray flannels, a cashmere tie in a sober color and my white linen jacket. The pants keep me warm. The tie gains me entrée into good restaurants. The blazer reminds me that summer will come again.

Mr. Luciano Barbera

Luciano Barbera

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