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Tag: Savile Row

Savile Row Ripped and Smoothed

Now available in paperback (while it was first published back in 2009, it was not widely distributed in the North American markets).


Bespoke – The Book

“Tome” and “encyclopedic” are great words to describe this book, get it if you can.

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The Sheep on Savile Row

In order to promote local wools and their own tailoring firms, the folks on Savile Row hosted a field day today with open houses and an attraction of sheep grazing out in the street. Simon Crompton has the background info for those interested. Judging by reactions I’ve seen so far, the event is a big hit and is being enjoyed by many.

Richard James has some pictures up on their blog already, including a few of their humorous window display.

Esquire UK reports that the dogs are in coats made at Huntsman, and the farmer in a suit from Anderson & Sheppard.

Update – there are more pictures available on this London travel blog. The jacket shown worn on the farmer looks great. (larger versions available on flickr)

Huntsman Style

From their new website.

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