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Tag: Taxidermy

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When a fire ripped through Deyrolle, the beloved taxidermy establishment here, early one morning last February, it was as if a dagger had been plunged into the heart of Paris.
Elaine Sciolino – From Ashes, Reviving a Place of Wild Dreams

After the Deyrolle fire took place, photographer Laurent Bochet was able to photograph the damaged specimens and published them through Assouline into a single volume. While it’s been long out of print, copies can still be found through 3rd party sellers though you will need some patience if you want to find one for a good price. A few are still available through Deyrolle as well, though you should inquire about shipping as the last thing you want to put in your luggage on your way back from Paris is a 5lb tome.

Related: Browse inside Deyrolle with Google Maps.

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Polly Morgan’s Studio

Arrested Motion (a great art blog) was recently able to visit Polly Morgan at her studio in London and it’s interesting to get a view of her projects while they’re being built. Still Birth and some of her other small pieces are available for sale through her online store.

Photo by Sven Davis. There are a few more in his flickr stream as well.


Polly Morgan
Some recent interviews with artist Polly Morgan about her first solo exhibit entitled “Psychopomps“…

From nowness:

I just chanced upon the word ‘psychopomps.’ It seemed to encapsulate a lot of what I was doing. I was reading a book called Animals, Men and Myth, which was about how humans had harnessed the power of various animals over the years for their own ends. The first creatures to go in a hot air balloon were a sheep and a duck—that’s what they tested it out on. They sent a monkey into space, didn’t they? I wanted to pay homage to the whims of those crazy inventors.

From the block magazine:

TB: What attracted you to taxidermy?
PM: It’s an illusion: a three-dimensional magic trick that doesn’t fade. What’s not to like?

TB: Your Facebook fan-page quote, “I hate death as much as ever.” Please explain.
PM: It must be a quote taken from a previous interview. I’m not sure what the context was. It’s probably just because people often ask about my attitude to death and I don’t see it as being any different to the next person’s; I hate it as much as I’ve ever done.

And a great video with magazine another. An accompanying book for the exhibit is available for purchase if you can’t make it person – I’ve ordered a copy, and will post a review later.

Related post: Taxidermy Artwork

Taxidermy Artwork

After decades of neglect, there has been a resurgence of interest in taxidermy. Once seen as being inappropriate and politically incorrect, they’re now seen as avant-garde in the art and interior design worlds.

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