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Tag: Woolrich Woolen Mills (page 3 of 3)

Woolrich Woolen Mills SS2010 Preview from Pitti

I was pretty surprised by the Woolrich presentation.  A few pieces here and there would be alright to wear by themselves, but I mostly don’t care for any of this.  I miss the F/W08 and S/S09 collections already. :(

Pictures from wwd.com.

Update: Apparently there might be some of the Woolrich John Bros stuff mixed into these pictures as well, so that might explain a few of the odd looks.

Woolrich Woolen Mills S/S2010 - 1 Woolrich Woolen Mills S/S2010 - 2

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Woolrich Woolen Mills FW2009 Lookbook Pictures

The Woolrich Woolen Mills website was recently updated with pictures of the lookbook that they send around to retailers.  I’m still not impressed with this season’s collection, but at least the pictures are better this time.

Also don’t forget that Oi Polloi put up some pictures of their’s as well: http://mistercrew.com/blog/2009/06/15/woolrich-woolen-mills-fw2009-pictures/

Woolrich Woolen Mills F/W2009 Lookbook - 1

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Woolrich Woolen Mills FW2009 Pictures

Also on Oi Polloi’s flickr page are preview pictures for the Woolrich Woolen Mills F/W2009 collection.  I thought the drawings were more interesting than the actual pieces though. :/

Check out the rest of the images here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/38359928@N08/sets/72157619525442953/

Update: Extra images posted! Read on to see more.

Woolrich Woolen Mills Drawing

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Woolrich Woolen Mills Knicker Pants

For this summer I decided to pick up a pair of knicker pants from Woolrich Woolen Mills to wear like shorts.  This particular pair is made from a cotton/poly blend and they fit pretty slim.  What to pair these with without looking like an idiot?  I just keep it simple with a plain tshirt and sneakers.

The Bureau has a few more still left on their site for sale: http://www.thebureaubelfast.com/shop/brand/11/woolrich-woolen-mills/

Woolrich Woolen Mills Knicker Pants

Woolrich Woolen Mills SS2009 Lookbook

Here are some images of the Woolrich Woolen Mills S/S2009 lookbook that were sent around to retailers.  It’s still fairly hard to find images of their clothing online, and up until recently you could easily become fustrated trying to hunt down particular pieces (it also doesn’t help that they continue to put up horrible pictures on their own website).   Take a look at these though…

Woolrich Woolen Mills S/S2009 Lookbook p1

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Woolrich Woolen Mills Mariner Cap

I’ll be honest, I’m having trouble working this cap into my usual outfits.  It seems like it would only be appropriate on the deck of a boat.

Woolrich Woolen Mills Mariner Cap

Woolrich Woolen Mills Mariner Cap

From the WWM Lookbook for S/S2009

From the WWM Lookbook for S/S2009

Woolrich Woolen Mills Tote Bag

Woolrich Woolen Mills Tote Bag

Woolrich Woolen Mills Tote Bag

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