Some things from last week that you might have missed if you’re not following me on twitter:
– Hell’s Kitchen interviews Frank Muytjens: Link [translated version]
HK: Un monde plus dynamique, plus attractif ?
FM: Oui, et surtout plus clair, je trouve. Le design des années 1950, 1960, et la façon dont toutes ces choses s’articulaient comme je te le disais. Ce n’est pas seulement l’héritage, c’est bien plus que cela.
Les USA sont plus faciles à saisir, esthétiquement parlant. L’Europe, de ce point de vue, est uniforme. Tu te balades à Paris ou à Londres, et tu ne vois pas vraiment les différences. Et c’est d’autant plus bizarre car la plupart des grands architectes européens du milieu du XXè siècle ont immigré ici. Mais je me compare pas du tout à eux, bien sûr. Il y a plus d’opportunités, c’est plus diversifié.
– Mister Four Eyes interviews Aaron Levine: Link
MFE: You began your career in sales at Joseph Aboud (like many of the top menswear designers, you have no “formal design education”). How did that experience of working the front-end business influence you as a designer when you made the transition?
AL: It was great. Really, it’s such a small industry that in order to be truly successful, I think it’s very important to know as much about as many aspects as you can. My passion is on the product and design end, but without sales, where would that go? As far as how it was influential with regards to product, I can’t say that it was so much.
– Ivy&Navy is now on my daily reading list, thanks to Up North: Link
I just found out about Ivy & Navy on the weekend and spent many an hour going through their archives. Ono Masayuki puts together some killer outfits. He covers all sorts of styles that the Japanese love: Navy, Preppy, Workwear etc. Here are just a few of the looks he’s put together. Lots of inspiration to be taken from him when deciding what items to put together this spring.
– Nepenthes has started blogs for some of their stores in Japan: S2W8, Nepenthes, Lyla (for women). Still waiting on the blog for the Engineered Garments store…
– Heavy Tweed Jacket is back!
– Meet the Centipede. Not only does this collector know his stuff, he’s got some pretty rare shoes including early Alden Fan models from Alden of Carmel.
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