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eBay Find: 1913 Indian Motorcycle

Here’s a piece of motorcycle history up for auction on eBay. The headlight runs on gas.

For more reading on the background of Indian motorcycles, the Selvedge Yard has a great series of posts that you should check out:
* America’s First Motorcycle – The Early Years of Cool Innovation
* America’s First Motorcycle – The Golden Powerplus Era
* The Golden Age of Icons – The Scout, Chief, and the Big Chief

indian_motorcycle_1913_2 Read more

Bespoke in the Upper East Side

In today’s NYTimes there is a profile for Bruce Cameron Clark, a former apprentice of Savile Row tailor Tommy Nutter who went out on his own and opened a custom tailoring business over a decade ago:

“Not to sound egotistical, but there aren’t many people who do what I do,” said Mr. Clark, 58, explaining that what he does is neither tailoring nor fashion, but a sort of style consultancy in which two parts Lord Asquith and one part Austin Powers join forces to create an aesthetic that Mr. Clark refers to as “traditional with a twist.”

“I’m not doing boring Brooks Brothers,” he noted. “It’s much more offbeat and fun. And not to be taken too seriously.”

Continue reading more. Photo by Michael Appleton for The New York Times.

Massimo Osti

Found NYC, a CP Company/Stone Island fan site, recently posted a translation of a great article from BRIGHT on Massimo Osti that is worth the read. Massimo really pushed technical fabrics and was a true innovator in his industry.

Ideas from Massimo Osti
By Paul Dezentjé
Originally published in ‘BRIGHT’, APRIL/MAY 2010, VOL 6, NR 33

Five years ago, Massimo Osti – the shy creator of world famous men’s clothing brands such as Stone Island and C.P. Company died. For connoisseurs the garment engineer is an icon because of his unequalled ideas. His heirs are preparing a book about his innovative work and exclusive brands. Bright travelled to Italy and was granted entrance – by high exception – to the Massimo Osti Archive.

Continue reading more.

An earlier Mille Miglia jacket from CP Company Fall/Winter 2003.

Cool Jobs – Tagging Great White Sharks

This morning while in the gym I caught a preview for a new National Geographic show called “Expedition Great White” where they document a crew of men that tag live great white sharks for research. They start by hooking one with a lure, pull it up to the boat and into a special deck which is then slowly pulled out of the water. Then they essentially wrestle it with ropes and their own hands while they attach a tracking device to its dorsal fin. They’ve either got brass balls or they’re slightly crazy. Possibly both, but it’s pretty awesome.

The show starts on the 6th. More info on nationalgeographic.com.

From the behind the scenes journal of Rich Christensen:

December 5, 2007
Today was our first great white. It broke the hook. What kind of power do these sharks have? Looking over the back side of the ship, it made it almost impossible to shoot because these animals are so huge. I just want to stop and stare.

December 6, 2007
I had the camera on my shoulder almost all day and night. All day because they wanted to take the rubber mats off and modify the sling. Catching another shark, then at night heading to the tackle bar and rethinking their methods of catching these sharks. I’m sure they were just as tired as I am. Reefing on sharks is mind blowing.

December 8, 2007
We got our first female shark today. She was much larger than the males we have caught. It may be just like the marlin I have seen over the years. The male marlin are 200 to 300 pounds and the females are all much larger, 500 to 800 pounds. Mother nature at her best.



Clover Coffee

Over the past two years, Starbucks has been slowly rolling out Clover coffee machines to its stores nationwide. Before they purchased the company that made them, the little machines sold for $11k each, and they produce only one cup of coffee at a time through a fancy vacuum method that’s always fun to watch.

The coffee it produces is pretty good (it will taste similar to what a french press can produce), and I’ve been enjoying the small specialty batches of roasted beans that Starbucks has been making just for it – if your local Starbucks has it, try the Kona blend.

Further reading: Tasting the Future of Starbucks Coffee From a New Machine

Knicker Shorts Revisited

Against my better judgment, I ended up ordering another pair of knicker shorts this season. I’ve come to prefer them when up in mountains as they allow for more freedom of movement and plus they flat out look cool.

Engineered Garments Knicker ShortsFrom Engineered Garments (the pair I just received). The cotton fabric is pretty thick and is the same type used in their fatigue pants.

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ts(s) Fall/Winter 2010 – Part 2

More looks for ts(s) Fall/Winter 2010. Context will be carrying this line for the upcoming season.

ts_s_fw10_102 ts_s_fw10_97 Read more

Naval RRL in Free & Easy

From the May 2010 issue.


Hickory, Steel, & Sex Appeal (Axes)

Best Made Company just put up their new line of hatchets for sale (and here I was just recently thinking of how nice it would be if they made some). I’ve ordered one and will post my thoughts on it after I give it some use.

I also just skimmed through their owner’s manual [pdf], and was amused by this piece of wisdom:

When your friends and family see how proud you are of your new axe, there is little doubt that they themselves will want one. They may even ask if they can borrow yours. By all means, do not say yes. It has been our experience that once an item is lent to someone else—even a family member—it never returns in the same condition, if it returns at all.

So very true.

Weekly Roundup

Some things from last week that you might have missed if you’re not following me on twitter:

– Speaking of gems, check out what the Bureau still has lying around from past seasons: Link. It’s too bad that Raf Simons can’t put out cool stuff like those parkas anymore. (no idea if they’re actually for sale or not)

– Simon Crompton gets his shoes back from Edward Green: Link

– Cool naval/military inspired bags: Link

– Jasper Johns on Secret Forts: Link

– NYTimes T Magazine finds out what bloggers are using for their cameras: Link. I’m shopping for a new camera now, and I’m torn between the usefulness of a Canon Rebel, the snob appeal of a Leica point and shoot, and a gadget lust for an Olympic EP-2.

– Cliff Grodd, the legendary president of Paul Stuart passes away: Link

It will be impossible to walk into that store and not feel his presence in every perfect detail. It is the end of an era with his passing, and he will be greatly missed by the many well-dressed gentlemen whose life he touched.

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